All parents can start teaching English to their kids at home. Not only the one who is good in English but even the parents who don’t know English can teach their kids at home. Read our suggestions to find out.

How to start teaching my kids English at home?
It doesn’t matter if your English is good or not. Even if you don’t know English you can teach your kids with the help of CALP. If you care about the education of your child just become his/her partner in learning English. Your active participation will engage a child in the process of learning. There are only two things you need to focus on at the beginning, English listening skills and building English vocabulary. They will need a certain amount of time to absorb the language. Spend enough time with your child learning English they will start speaking English in a few months.
Establish a routine
Start spending 15 minutes every day with your child at home and gradually increase it to 1 hour. Just make sure that you strictly follow this schedule. The material available on CALP website is enough to keep your child engaging for a long time.
Not just fix the time but also fix the activities for that time. If a sequence of activities is fixed then you do not need to spend time explaining the activities. For example, you can start with the “listen” version of the video first and then play “repeat after me” and “speak aloud” version of the same video. You can then move to activities related to that video, these activities are available on each video page of CALP. Once you learn and understand a new word you can start using them in conversation with your child at home. The stories can be used during bedtime and poems can be used in the morning. All I want to say is find the ways to use English words in your daily life.
Use stories
Younger children love to hear stories they also love bright colors with attractive illustrations. We have combined all three things and created many stories in English. You can use any of them based on the level of your child. These stories are enough to develop basic to advance English vocabulary as they present things visually and verbally. This way child is able to make a connection between the word and the picture. Listening to stories also improves kids listening skills as they get used to the sound of English.
Use songs
Kids love to sing songs this is why songs are effective to learn new words and improve pronunciation. Songs also give an opportunity to dance so you can include the kids who can’t sing the song. There are many English songs on CALP Training website which you can listen to with your kids.
Play games
Learning should not be boring and games are a great way to make learning fun. Flashcards, crosswords are a great way to rehearse vocabulary. At CALP we are making games available with each video. These games can be played on the respective video page. Some games available on CALP Training website are listed below:
- Crossword
- Flashcards
- Image pairing
- Memory game
Where to start and what to teach first?
NCERT has published English books following the National Curriculum Framework and language pedagogy. These books are enough to develop age-appropriate English skills of your child. This is why we have developed our teaching-learning material around the NCERT syllabus. All material related to one class is made available via channels, series, and playlist. Subscribe according to the age of your child, so you don’t miss any material published under them.
Speak at home
There are many things that you can speak at home. Make sure you start speaking the following things in English at home.
- Numbers
- Colors
- Adjectives (e.g. big, small, tall, happy, sad, tired)
- Body parts
- Toys
- Clothes
- Animals (e.g. pets, farm animals, wild animals)
- Food, Vegetables, etc.
Important for parents and teachers
Remember, learning should be fun for kids. Don’t make it a burden for you or your child. Don’t focus too much on if your child is learning or not. Just make sure that you are spending enough time with your kids during English learning and make it fun.
This training program is really helpful for kids. My child likes videos. He understands the words and actively participate to repeat the words.